Add ls-files

This commit is contained in:
Nathan McRae 2024-07-07 19:21:15 -07:00
parent 3a7bad0e47
commit c2f8359690
2 changed files with 175 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -783,3 +783,177 @@ def cmd_rev_parse(args):
repo = repo_find()
print(object_find(repo,, fmt, follow=True))
class GitIndexEntry (object):
def __init__(self, ctime=None, mtime=None, dev=None, ino=None,
mode_type=None, mode_perms=None, uid=None, gid=None,
fsize=None, sha=None, flag_assume_valid=None,
flag_stage=None, name=None):
# The last time a file's metadata changed. This is a pair
# (timestamp in seconds, nanoseconds)
self.ctime = ctime
# The last time a file's data changed. This is a pair
# (timestamp in seconds, nanoseconds)
self.mtime = mtime
# The ID of device containing this file = dev
# The file's inode number
self.ino = ino
# The object type, either b1000 (regular), b1010 (symlink),
# b1110 (gitlink).
self.mode_type = mode_type
# The object permissions, and integer
self.mode_perms = mode_perms
# User ID of the owner
self.uid = uid
# Group ID of the owner
self.gid = gid
# Size of this object, in bytes
self.fize = fsize
# The object's SHA
self.sha = sha
self.flag_assume_valid = flag_assume_valid
self.flag_stage = flag_stage
# Name of the object (full path) = name
class GitIndex (object):
version = None
entries = []
# ext = None
# sha = None
def __init__(self, version=2, entries=None):
if not entries:
entries = list()
self.version = version
self.entries = entries
def index_read(repo):
index_file = GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "index")
# New repositories have no index!
if not os.path.exists(index_file):
return GitIndex()
with open(index_file, 'rb') as f:
raw =
header = raw[:12]
signature = header[:4]
assert signature == b"DIRC" # Stands for DIR Cache"
version = int.from_bytes(header[4:8], "big")
assert version == 2, "wyag only supports index file version 2"
count = int.from_bytes(header[8:12], "big")
entries = list()
content = raw[12:]
idx = 0
for i in range(0, count):
# Read creation time, as a unix timestamp (seconds since
# 1970-01-01 00:00:00, the "epoch")
ctime_s = int.from_bytes(content[idx: idx+4], "big")
# Read creation time, as nanoseconds after unix seconds
ctime_ns = int.from_bytes(content[idx+4: idx+8], "big")
# Modification time, unix timestamp
mtime_s = int.from_bytes(content[idx+8: idx+12], "big")
# Modification time, nanoseconds
mtime_ns = int.from_bytes(content[idx+12: idx+16], "big")
# Device ID
dev = int.from_bytes(content[idx+16: idx+20], "big")
# Inode
ino = int.from_bytes(content[idx+20: idx+24], "big")
# Ignored
unused = int.from_bytes(content[idx+24: idx+26], "big")
assert 0 == unused
mode = int.from_bytes(content[idx+26: idx+28], "big")
mode_type = mode >> 12
assert mode_type in [0b1000, 0b1010, 0b1110]
mode_perms = mode & 0b0000000111111111
# User ID
uid = int.from_bytes(content[idx+28: idx+32], "big")
# Group ID
gid = int.from_bytes(content[idx+32: idx+36], "big")
# Size
fsize = int.from_bytes(content[idx+36: idx+40], "big")
# SHA (object ID). We'll store it as a lowercase hex string
# for consistency
sha = format(int.from_bytes(content[idx+40: idx+60], "big"), "040x")
# Flags we're going to ignore
flags = int.from_bytes(content[idx+60: idx+62], "big")
# Parse flags
flag_assume_valid = (flags & 0b1000000000000000) != 0
flag_extended = (flags & 0b0100000000000000) != 0
assert not flag_extended
flag_stage = flags & 0b0011000000000000
# Length of the name. This is stored on 12 bits, some max value
# is 0xFFF, 4095.
name_length = flags & 0b0000111111111111
idx += 62
if name_length < 0xFFF:
assert content[idx + name_length] == 0x00
raw_name = content[idx:idx + name_length]
idx += name_length + 1
print(f"Notice: Name is 0x{name_length:X} bytes long")
# TODO: This probably wasn't tested enough. It works with a
# path of exactly 0xFFF bytes. Any extra bytes broke
# something between git, my shell and my filesystem
null_idx = content.find(b'\x00', idx + 0xFFF)
raw_name = content[idx: null_idx]
idx = null_idx + 1
name = raw_name.decode("utf8")
# Data is padded on multiples of eight bytes for pointer
# alignment, so we skip as many bytes as we need for the next
# read to start at the right position.
idx = 8 * ceil(idx / 8)
entries.append(GitIndexEntry(ctime=(ctime_s, ctime_ns),
mtime=(mtime_s, mtime_ns),
return GitIndex(version=version, entries=entries)
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("ls-files", help="List all the staged files")
argsp.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Show everything.")
def cmd_ls_files(args):
repo = repo_find()
index = index_read(repo)
if args.verbose:
print(f"Index file format v{index.version}, containing {len(index.entries)} entries.")
for e in index.entries:
if args.verbose:
print(" {} with perms: {:o}".format(
{0b1000: "regular file",
0b1010: "symlink",
0b1110: "git link" }[e.mode_type],
print(f" on blob: {e.sha}")
print(" created: {}.{}, modified: {}.{}".format(
print(f" device: {}, inode: {e.ino}")
print(f" uid: {e.uid} group: {e.gid}")
print(f" flags: stage={e.flag_stage} assume_valid={e.flag_assume_valid}")

test Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit d53851a324df2b0b1090b51b5f8a7c19dacb3fcc