
1545 lines
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2024-07-04 23:23:05 +00:00
import argparse
import collections
import configparser
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import hashlib
from math import ceil
import os
import re
import sys
import zlib
def join_path(first, *rest):
if (first == ""):
return "/".join(list(rest))
return "/".join([first] + list(rest))
2024-07-04 23:23:05 +00:00
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="The stupidest content tracker")
argsubparsers = argparser.add_subparsers(title="Commands", dest="command")
argsubparsers.required = True
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
args = argparser.parse_args(argv)
match args.command:
case "add" : cmd_add(args)
case "cat-file" : cmd_cat_file(args)
case "check-ignore" : cmd_check_ignore(args)
case "checkout" : cmd_checkout(args)
case "commit" : cmd_commit(args)
case "hash-object" : cmd_hash_object(args)
case "init" : cmd_init(args)
case "log" : cmd_log(args)
case "ls-files" : cmd_ls_files(args)
case "ls-tree" : cmd_ls_tree(args)
case "rev-parse" : cmd_rev_parse(args)
case "rm" : cmd_rm(args)
case "show-ref" : cmd_show_ref(args)
case "status" : cmd_status(args)
case "tag" : cmd_tag(args)
case _ : print("Bad command.")
class GitRepository (object):
"""A git repo"""
worktree = None
gitdir = None
conf = None
def __init__(self, path, force=False):
2024-07-09 03:50:55 +00:00
self.worktree = path.replace("\\", "/")
self.gitdir = join_path(path, ".git")
2024-07-04 23:23:05 +00:00
if not (force or os.path.isdir(self.gitdir)):
raise Exception(f"Not a git repository {path}")
# Read configuration file in .git/config
self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
cf = GitRepository.repo_file(self, "config")
if cf and os.path.exists(cf):[cf])
elif not force:
raise Exception("Configuration file missing")
if not force:
vers = int(self.conf.get("core", "repositoryformatversion"))
if vers != 0:
raise Exception(f"Unsupported repositoryformatversion {vers}")
def repo_path(repo, *path):
"""Compute path under repo's gitdir."""
return join_path(repo.gitdir, *path)
2024-07-04 23:23:05 +00:00
def repo_file(repo, *path, mkdir=False):
"""Same as repo_path, but create dirname(*path) if absent. For
example, repo_file(r, \"refs\", \"remotes\", \"origin\", \"HEAD\") will create
if GitRepository.repo_dir(repo, *path[:-1], mkdir=mkdir):
return GitRepository.repo_path(repo, *path)
def repo_dir(repo, *path, mkdir=False):
"""Same as repo_path, bt mkdir *path if absent if mkdir"""
path = GitRepository.repo_path(repo, *path)
if (os.path.exists(path)):
if (os.path.isdir(path)):
return path
raise Exception(f"Not a directory {path}")
if mkdir:
return path
return None
def repo_create(path):
"""Create a new repository at path."""
repo = GitRepository(path, True)
# First, we make sure the path either doesn't exist or is an
# empty dir.
if os.path.exists(repo.worktree):
if not os.path.isdir(repo.worktree):
raise Exception(f"{path} is not a directory!")
if os.path.exists(repo.gitdir) and os.listdir(repo.gitdir):
raise Exception(f"{path} is not empty!")
assert GitRepository.repo_dir(repo, "branches", mkdir=True)
assert GitRepository.repo_dir(repo, "objects", mkdir=True)
assert GitRepository.repo_dir(repo, "refs", "tags", mkdir=True)
assert GitRepository.repo_dir(repo, "refs", "heads", mkdir=True)
# .git/description
with open(GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "description"), "w") as f:
f.write("Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository")
with open(GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "HEAD"), "w") as f:
f.write("ref: refs/heads/master\n")
with open(GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "config"), "w") as f:
config = repo_default_config()
return repo
def repo_default_config():
ret = configparser.ConfigParser()
ret.set("core", "repositoryformatVersion", "0")
ret.set("core", "filemode", "false")
ret.set("core", "bare", "false")
return ret
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("init", help="Initialize a new, empty repository.")
help="Where to create the repository.")
def cmd_init(args):
2024-07-04 23:56:46 +00:00
def repo_find(path=".", required=True):
path = os.path.realpath(path)
if os.path.isdir(join_path(path, ".git")):
2024-07-04 23:56:46 +00:00
return GitRepository(path)
# If we haven't returned, recurse in parent
parent = os.path.realpath(join_path(path, ".."))
2024-07-04 23:56:46 +00:00
case "nt":
is_root = os.path.splitdrive(path)[1] == "\\"
case "posix":
# If parent==path, then path is root.
is_root = parent == path
case _:
raise Exception(f"Unsupported os {}")
if is_root:
if required:
raise Exception("No git directory.")
return None
# Recursive case
return repo_find(parent, required)
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("status", help="Get the status of the repo")
help="Which directory")
def cmd_status(args):
# TODO: actually get status
2024-07-05 05:14:49 +00:00
class GitObject (object):
def __init__(self, data=None):
if data != None:
def serialize(self, repo):
"""This function MUST be implemented by subclasses.
It must read the object's contents from, a byte string, and
do whatever it takes to convert it into a meaningful representation. What exactly that means depends on each subclass."""
raise Exception("Unimplemented!")
def deserialize(self, repo):
raise Exception("Unimplemented!")
def init(self):
pass # other implementations might do something here
def object_read(repo, sha):
"""Read object sha from Git repository repo. Return a
GitObject whose exact type depends on the object."""
path = GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "objects", sha[0:2], sha[2:])
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return None
with open(path, "rb") as f:
raw = zlib.decompress(
# Read object type
x = raw.find(b' ')
fmt = raw[0:x]
# Read and validate object size
y = raw.find(b'\x00', x)
size = int(raw[x:y].decode("ascii"))
if size != len(raw)-y-1:
raise Exception(f"Malformed object {sha}: bad length")
match fmt:
case b'commit' : c=GitCommit
case b'tree' : c=GitTree
case b'tag' : c=GitTag
case b'blob' : c=GitBlob
case _:
raise Exception(f"Unknown type {fmt.decode('ascii')} for object {sha}")
return c(raw[y+1:])
def object_write(obj, repo=None):
data = obj.serialize()
# Add header
result = obj.fmt + b' ' + str(len(data)).encode() + b'\x00' + data
# Compute hash
sha = hashlib.sha1(result).hexdigest()
if repo:
# Compute path
path=GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "objects", sha[0:2], sha[2:], mkdir=True)
if not os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
return sha
class GitBlob(GitObject):
def serialize(self):
return self.blobdata
def deserialize(self, data):
self.blobdata = data
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("cat-file",
help="Provide content of repository objects")
choices=["blob", "commit", "tag", "tree"],
help="Specify the type")
help="The object to display")
def cmd_cat_file(args):
repo = repo_find()
cat_file(repo, args.object, fmt=args.type.encode())
def cat_file(repo, obj, fmt=None):
obj = object_read(repo, object_find(repo, obj, fmt=fmt))
2024-07-14 04:03:29 +00:00
if fmt == b'tree':
for item in obj.items:
print(f"{item.mode.decode('ascii')} {item.path} {item.sha}")
2024-07-05 05:14:49 +00:00
def object_find(repo, name, fmt=None, follow=True):
sha = object_resolve(repo, name)
if not sha:
raise Exception(f"No such reference {name}")
if len(sha) > 1:
raise Exception(f"Ambiguous reference {0}: Candidates are:\n - {1}.".format(name, "\n - ".join(sha)))
sha = sha[0]
if not fmt:
return sha
while True:
obj = object_read(repo, sha)
if obj.fmt == fmt:
return sha
if not follow:
return None
if obj.fmt == b'tag':
sha = obj.kvlm[b'object'].decode("ascii")
elif obj.fmt == b'commit' and fmt == b'tree':
sha = obj.kvlm[b'tree'].decode("ascii")
return None
2024-07-05 05:14:49 +00:00
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser(
help="Compute object ID an optionally creates a blob from a file")
choices=["blob", "commit", "tag", "tree"],
help="Specify the type")
help="Actually write the object into the database")
help="Read object from <file>")
def cmd_hash_object(args):
if args.write:
repo = repo_find()
repo = None
with open(args.path, "rb") as fd:
sha = object_hash(fd, args.type.encode(), repo)
def object_hash(fd, fmt, repo=None):
"""Hash object, writing it to repo if provided"""
data =
match fmt:
case b'commit' : obj=GitCommit(data)
case b'tree' : obj=GitTree(data)
case b'tag' : obj=GitTag(data)
case b'blob' : obj=GitBlob(data)
case _ : raise Exception(f"Unknown type {fmt}")
return object_write(obj, repo)
2024-07-06 19:12:01 +00:00
def kvlm_parse(raw, start=0, dct=None):
if not dct:
dct = collections.OrderedDict()
# You CANNOT declare the argument as dct=OrderedDict() or all
# call to the functions will endlessly grow the same dict.
# This function is recursive: it reads a key/value pair, then call
# itself back with the new position. So we first need to know
# where we are: at a keyword, or already in the messageQ
# We search for the next space and the next newline.
spc = raw.find(b' ', start)
nl = raw.find(b'\n', start)
# If space appears before newline, we have a keyword. Otherwise,
# it's the final message, which we just read to the end of the file.
# Base case
# =========
# If newline appears first (or there's no space at all), we asume
# a blank line. A blank line means the remainder of the data is the
# message. We store it in the dictionary, with None as the key, and
# return.
if (spc < 0) or (nl < spc):
assert nl == start
dct[None] = raw[start+1:]
return dct
# Recursive case
# ==============
# We read a key-value pair and recurse for the next.
key = raw[start:spc]
# Find the end of the value. Continuation lines begin with a
# space, so we loop until we find a "\n" not followed by a space.
end = start
while True:
end = raw.find(b'\n', end+1)
if raw[end+1] != ord(' '): break
value = raw[spc+1:end].replace(b'\n ', b'\n')
# Don't overwrite existing data contents
if key in dct:
if type(dct[key]) == list:
dct[key] = [ dct[key], value ]
dct[key] = value
return kvlm_parse(raw, start=end+1, dct=dct)
def kvlm_serialize(kvlm):
ret = b''
# Output fiels
for k in kvlm.keys():
# Skip the message itself
if k == None: continue
val = kvlm[k]
# Normalize to a list
if type(val) != list:
val = [ val ]
for v in val:
ret += k + b' ' + (v.replace(b'\n', b'\n ')) + b'\n'
ret += b'\n' + kvlm[None] + b'\n'
return ret
class GitCommit(GitObject):
fmt = b'commit'
def deserialize(self, data):
self.kvlm = kvlm_parse(data)
def serialize(self):
return kvlm_serialize(self.kvlm)
def init(self):
self.kvlm = dict()
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("log", help="Display history of a given commit.")
help="Commit to start at.")
def cmd_log(args):
repo = repo_find()
print("digraph wyaglog{")
print(" node[shape=rect]")
log_graphviz(repo, object_find(repo, args.commit), set())
def log_graphviz(repo, sha, seen):
if sha in seen:
commit = object_read(repo, sha)
short_hash = sha[0:8]
message = commit.kvlm[None].decode("utf8").strip()
message = message.replace("\\", "\\\\")
message = message.replace("\"", "\\\"")
if "\n" in message: # keep only the first line
message = message[:message.index("\n")]
print(f" c_{sha} [label=\"{sha[0:7]}: {message}\"]")
assert commit.fmt==b'commit'
if not b'parent' in commit.kvlm.keys():
# Base case: the initial commit.
parents = commit.kvlm[b'parent']
if type(parents) != list:
parents = [ parents ]
for p in parents:
p = p.decode("ascii")
print (f" c_{sha} -> c_{p}")
log_graphviz(repo, p, seen)
2024-07-07 02:27:17 +00:00
class GitTreeLeaf (object):
def __init__(self, mode, path, sha):
self.mode = mode
self.path = path
self.sha = sha
def tree_parse_one(raw, start=0):
# Find the space terminator of the mode
x = raw.find(b' ', start)
assert x-start == 5 or x-start == 6
mode = raw[start:x]
if len(mode) == 5:
# Normalize to six bytes.
2024-07-07 17:28:34 +00:00
mode = b"0" + mode
2024-07-07 02:27:17 +00:00
# Find the NULL terminator of the path
y = raw.find(b'\x00', x)
path = raw[x+1:y]
sha = format(int.from_bytes(raw[y+1:y+21], "big"), "040x")
return y+21, GitTreeLeaf(mode, path.decode('utf8'), sha)
def tree_parse(raw):
pos = 0
max = len(raw)
ret = list()
while pos < max:
pos, data = tree_parse_one(raw, pos)
return ret
# Notice: this isn't a comparison function, but a conversion function.
# Python's default sort doesn't accept a custom comparison function,
# like in most languages, but a 'key' argument that returns a new
# value, which is compared using the default rules. So we just return
# the leaf name, with an extra '/' if it's a directory.
def tree_leaf_sort_key(leaf):
if leaf.mode.startswith(b"10"):
return leaf.path
return leaf.path + "/"
def tree_serialize(obj):
ret = b''
for i in obj.items:
ret += i.mode
ret += b' '
ret += i.path.encode("utf8")
ret += b'\x00'
sha = int(i.sha, 16)
ret += sha.to_bytes(20, byteorder="big")
return ret
class GitTree(GitObject):
def deserialize(self, data):
self.items = tree_parse(data)
def serialize(self):
return tree_serialize(self)
def init(self):
self.items = list()
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("ls-tree", help="Pretty-print a tree object.")
help="Recurse into sub-trees")
help="A tree-ish object.")
def cmd_ls_tree(args):
repo = repo_find()
ls_tree(repo, args.tree, args.recursive)
def ls_tree(repo, ref, recursive=None, prefix=""):
sha = object_find(repo, ref, fmt=b"tree")
obj = object_read(repo, sha)
for item in obj.items:
if len(item.mode) == 5:
type = item.mode[0:1]
type = item.mode[0:2]
match type:
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
case b'04': type = "tree"
2024-07-07 02:27:17 +00:00
case b'10': type = "blob"
case b'12': type = "blob" # a symlink
case b'16': type = "commit" # a submodule
case b'sc': type = "subcommit"
2024-07-07 02:27:17 +00:00
case _: raise Exception(f"Weird tree leaf mode {item.mode}")
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
if not (recursive and type=='tree'): # This is a leaf
2024-07-07 02:27:17 +00:00
print("{0} {1} {2}\t{3}".format(
"0" * (6 - len(item.mode)) + item.mode.decode("ascii"),
# Git's ls-tree displays the type
# of the object pointed to.
join_path(prefix, item.path)
2024-07-07 02:27:17 +00:00
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
if type=='subcommit':
commit_obj = object_read(repo, item.sha)
tree_sha = commit_obj.kvlm[b'tree'].decode("ascii")
ls_tree(repo, tree_sha, recursive, join_path(prefix, item.path))
else: # This is a tree
ls_tree(repo, item.sha, recursive, join_path(prefix, item.path))
2024-07-07 17:46:01 +00:00
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("checkout", help="Checkout a commit inside of a directory.")
help="The commit or tree to checkout.")
help="The EMPTY directory to checkout on.")
def cmd_checkout(args):
repo = repo_find()
obj = object_read(repo, object_find(repo, args.commit))
# If the object is a commit, we grab its tree
if obj.fmt == b'commit':
obj = object_read(repo, obj.kvlm[b'tree'].decode("ascii"))
# Verify the path is an empty directory
if os.path.exists(args.path):
if not os.path.isdir(args.path):
raise Exception(f"This is not a directory: '{ags.path}'")
if os.listdir(args.path):
raise Exception(f"Directory '{args.path}' is not empty")
tree_checkout(repo, obj, os.path.realpath(args.path))
def tree_checkout(repo, tree, path):
for item in tree.items:
obj = object_read(repo, item.sha)
dest = join_path(path, item.path)
2024-07-07 17:46:01 +00:00
if obj.fmt == b'tree':
tree_checkout(repo, obj, dest)
elif obj.fmt == b'blob':
# TODO: Support symlinks (identified by mode 12*****)
with open(dest, 'wb') as f:
2024-07-07 19:25:33 +00:00
def ref_resolve(repo, ref):
path = GitRepository.repo_file(repo, ref)
# Sometimes, an indirect reference may be broken. This is normal
# in one specific case: we're looking for HEAD on a new repository
# with no commits. In that case, .git/HEAD points to "ref:
# refs/heads/master", but .git/refs/heads/master doesn't exist yet
# (since there's no commit for it to refer to).
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return None
with open(path, "r") as fp:
data =[:-1] # Drop final "\n"
if data.startswith("ref: "):
return ref_resolve(repo, data[len("ref: "):])
return data
def ref_list(repo, path=None):
if not path:
path = repo_dir(repo, "refs")
ret = collections.OrderedDict()
for f in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
can = join_path(path, f)
2024-07-07 19:25:33 +00:00
if os.path.isdir(can):
ret[f] = ref_list(repo, can)
ret[f] = ref_resolve(repo, can)
return ret
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser(
help="List and create tags")
help="Whether to create a tag object")
help="The new tag's name")
help="The object the new tag will point to")
def cmd_tag(args):
repo = repo_find()
type="object" if args.create_tag_object else "ref")
refs = ref_list(repo)
show_ref(repo, refs["tags"], with_hash=False)
def tag_create(repo, name, ref, create_tag_object=False):
sha = object_find(repo, ref)
if create_tag_object:
tag = GitTag(repo)
tag.kvlm = collections.OrderedDict()
tag.kvlm[b'object'] = sha.encode()
tag.kvlm[b'type'] = b'commit'
tag.kvlm[b'tag'] = name.encode()
tag.kvlm[b'tagger'] = b'Wyag <>'
tag.kvlm[None] = b'Tag generated by wyag'
tag_sha = object_write(tag)
ref_create(repo, "tags/" + name, tag_sha)
ref_create(repo, "tags/" + name, sha)
def ref_create(repo, ref_name, sha):
with open(repo_file(repo, "refs/" + ref_name), "w") as fp:
fp.write(sha + "\n")
def object_resolve(repo, name):
"""Resolve a name to an object hash in repo.
This function is aware of:
- the HEAD literal
- short and long hashes
- tags
- branches
- remote branches"""
candidates = list()
hashRE = re.compile(r"[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,40}$")
# Abort on empty string
if not name.strip():
return None
if name == "HEAD":
return [ref_resolve(repo, "HEAD")]
if hashRE.match(name):
name = name.lower()
prefix = name[0:2]
path = GitRepository.repo_dir(repo, "objects", prefix, mkdir=False)
if path:
rem = name[2:]
for f in os.listdir(path):
if f.startswith(rem):
candidates.append(prefix + f)
# Try for references
as_tag = ref_resolve(repo, "refs/tags/" + name)
if as_tag:
as_branch = ref_resolve(repo, "refs/heads/" + name)
if as_branch:
return candidates
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser(
help="Parse revision (or other objects) identifiers")
choices=["blob", "commit", "tag", "tree"],
help="Specify the expected type")
help="The name to parse")
def cmd_rev_parse(args):
if args.type:
fmt = args.type.encode()
fmt = None
repo = repo_find()
print(object_find(repo,, fmt, follow=True))
2024-07-08 02:21:15 +00:00
class GitIndexEntry (object):
def __init__(self, ctime=None, mtime=None, dev=None, ino=None,
mode_type=None, mode_perms=None, uid=None, gid=None,
fsize=None, sha=None, flag_assume_valid=None,
flag_stage=None, name=None):
# The last time a file's metadata changed. This is a pair
# (timestamp in seconds, nanoseconds)
self.ctime = ctime
# The last time a file's data changed. This is a pair
# (timestamp in seconds, nanoseconds)
self.mtime = mtime
# The ID of device containing this file = dev
# The file's inode number
self.ino = ino
# The object type, either b1000 (regular), b1010 (symlink),
# b1110 (gitlink).
self.mode_type = mode_type
# The object permissions, and integer
self.mode_perms = mode_perms
# User ID of the owner
self.uid = uid
# Group ID of the owner
self.gid = gid
# Size of this object, in bytes
2024-07-11 04:41:10 +00:00
self.fsize = fsize
2024-07-08 02:21:15 +00:00
# The object's SHA
self.sha = sha
self.flag_assume_valid = flag_assume_valid
self.flag_stage = flag_stage
# Name of the object (full path) = name
class GitIndex (object):
version = None
entries = []
# ext = None
# sha = None
def __init__(self, version=2, entries=None):
if not entries:
entries = list()
self.version = version
self.entries = entries
def index_read(repo):
index_file = GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "index")
# New repositories have no index!
if not os.path.exists(index_file):
return GitIndex()
with open(index_file, 'rb') as f:
raw =
header = raw[:12]
signature = header[:4]
assert signature == b"DIRC" # Stands for DIR Cache"
version = int.from_bytes(header[4:8], "big")
assert version == 2, "wyag only supports index file version 2"
count = int.from_bytes(header[8:12], "big")
entries = list()
content = raw[12:]
idx = 0
for i in range(0, count):
# Read creation time, as a unix timestamp (seconds since
# 1970-01-01 00:00:00, the "epoch")
ctime_s = int.from_bytes(content[idx: idx+4], "big")
# Read creation time, as nanoseconds after unix seconds
ctime_ns = int.from_bytes(content[idx+4: idx+8], "big")
# Modification time, unix timestamp
mtime_s = int.from_bytes(content[idx+8: idx+12], "big")
# Modification time, nanoseconds
mtime_ns = int.from_bytes(content[idx+12: idx+16], "big")
# Device ID
dev = int.from_bytes(content[idx+16: idx+20], "big")
# Inode
ino = int.from_bytes(content[idx+20: idx+24], "big")
# Ignored
unused = int.from_bytes(content[idx+24: idx+26], "big")
assert 0 == unused
mode = int.from_bytes(content[idx+26: idx+28], "big")
mode_type = mode >> 12
assert mode_type in [0b1000, 0b1010, 0b1110]
mode_perms = mode & 0b0000000111111111
# User ID
uid = int.from_bytes(content[idx+28: idx+32], "big")
# Group ID
gid = int.from_bytes(content[idx+32: idx+36], "big")
# Size
fsize = int.from_bytes(content[idx+36: idx+40], "big")
# SHA (object ID). We'll store it as a lowercase hex string
# for consistency
sha = format(int.from_bytes(content[idx+40: idx+60], "big"), "040x")
# Flags we're going to ignore
flags = int.from_bytes(content[idx+60: idx+62], "big")
# Parse flags
flag_assume_valid = (flags & 0b1000000000000000) != 0
flag_extended = (flags & 0b0100000000000000) != 0
assert not flag_extended
flag_stage = flags & 0b0011000000000000
# Length of the name. This is stored on 12 bits, some max value
# is 0xFFF, 4095.
name_length = flags & 0b0000111111111111
idx += 62
if name_length < 0xFFF:
assert content[idx + name_length] == 0x00
raw_name = content[idx:idx + name_length]
idx += name_length + 1
print(f"Notice: Name is 0x{name_length:X} bytes long")
# TODO: This probably wasn't tested enough. It works with a
# path of exactly 0xFFF bytes. Any extra bytes broke
# something between git, my shell and my filesystem
null_idx = content.find(b'\x00', idx + 0xFFF)
raw_name = content[idx: null_idx]
idx = null_idx + 1
name = raw_name.decode("utf8")
# Data is padded on multiples of eight bytes for pointer
# alignment, so we skip as many bytes as we need for the next
# read to start at the right position.
idx = 8 * ceil(idx / 8)
entries.append(GitIndexEntry(ctime=(ctime_s, ctime_ns),
mtime=(mtime_s, mtime_ns),
return GitIndex(version=version, entries=entries)
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("ls-files", help="List all the staged files")
argsp.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Show everything.")
def cmd_ls_files(args):
repo = repo_find()
index = index_read(repo)
if args.verbose:
print(f"Index file format v{index.version}, containing {len(index.entries)} entries.")
for e in index.entries:
if args.verbose:
print(" {} with perms: {:o}".format(
{0b1000: "regular file",
0b1010: "symlink",
0b1110: "git link" }[e.mode_type],
print(f" on blob: {e.sha}")
print(" created: {}.{}, modified: {}.{}".format(
print(f" device: {}, inode: {e.ino}")
print(f" uid: {e.uid} group: {e.gid}")
print(f" flags: stage={e.flag_stage} assume_valid={e.flag_assume_valid}")
2024-07-08 03:06:28 +00:00
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("check-ignore", help="Check path(s) against ignore rules.")
argsp.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="Paths to check")
def cmd_check_ignore(args):
repo = repo_find()
rules = gitignore_read(repo)
for path in args.path:
if check_ignore(rules, path):
def gitignore_parse1(raw):
raw = raw.strip()
if not raw or raw[0] == "#":
return None
elif raw[0] == "!":
return (raw[1:], False)
elif raw[0] == "\\":
return (raw[1:], True)
return (raw, True)
def gitignore_parse(lines):
ret = list()
for line in lines:
parsed = gitignore_parse1(line)
if parsed:
return ret
class GitIgnore(object):
absolute = None
scoped = None
def __init__(self, absolute, scoped):
self.absolute = absolute
self.scoped = scoped
def gitignore_read(repo):
ret = GitIgnore(absolute=list(), scoped=dict())
# Read local configuration
repo_file = join_path(repo.gitdir, "info/exclude")
2024-07-08 03:06:28 +00:00
if os.path.exists(repo_file):
with open(repo_file, "r") as f:
# Global configuration
if "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" in os.environ:
config_home == os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"]
config_home = os.path.expanduser("~/.config")
global_file = join_path(config_home, "git/ignore")
2024-07-08 03:06:28 +00:00
if os.path.exists(global_file):
with open(global_file, "r") as f:
# .gitignore files in the index
index = index_read(repo)
for entry in index.entries:
if == ".gitignore" or"/.gitignore"):
dir_name = os.path.dirname(
contents = object_read(repo, entry.sha)
lines = contents.blobdata.decode("utf8").splitlines()
ret.scoped[dirname] = gitignore_parse(lines)
return ret
def check_ignore1(rules, path):
result = None
for (pattern, value) in rules:
if fnmatch(path, pattern):
result = value
return result
def check_ignore_scoped(rules, path):
parent = os.path.dirname(path)
while True:
if parent in rules:
result = check_ignore1(rules[parent], path)
if result != None:
return result
if parent == "":
parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
return None
def check_ignore_absolute(rules, path):
parent = os.path.dirname(path)
for ruleset in rules:
result = check_ignore1(ruleset, path)
if result != None:
return result
return False
def check_ignore(rules, path):
if os.path.isabs(path):
raise Exception("This function requires path to be relative to the repository's root")
2024-07-09 02:44:04 +00:00
# Eh, just hardcode it
if (path.startswith(".git")):
return True
2024-07-08 03:06:28 +00:00
result = check_ignore_scoped(rules.scoped, path)
if result != None:
return result
return check_ignore_absolute(rules.absolute, path)
2024-07-09 02:44:04 +00:00
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("status", help="Show the working tree status.")
def cmd_status(_):
repo = repo_find()
index = index_read(repo)
cmd_status_head_index(repo, index)
cmd_status_index_worktree(repo, index)
def branch_get_active(repo):
with open(GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "HEAD"), "r") as f:
head =
if head.startswith("ref: refs/heads/"):
return False
def cmd_status_branch(repo):
branch = branch_get_active(repo)
if branch:
print(f"On branch {branch}.")
print("HEAD detached at {}".format(object_find(repo, "HEAD")))
def tree_to_dict(repo, ref, prefix=""):
ret = dict()
tree_sha = object_find(repo, ref, fmt=b"tree")
tree = object_read(repo, tree_sha)
for leaf in tree.items:
full_path = join_path(prefix, leaf.path)
# We read the object to extract its type (this is uselessly
# expensive: we could just open it as a file and read the
# first few bytes)
if (leaf.mode.startswith(b'04')):
raise Exception("Tree should not be child of tree")
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
is_subcommit = leaf.mode.startswith(b'sc')
2024-07-09 02:44:04 +00:00
# Depending on the type, we either store the path (if it's a
# blob, so a regular file), or recurse (if it's another tree,
# so a subdir)
if is_subcommit:
commit_obj = object_read(repo, leaf.sha)
tree_sha = commit_obj.kvlm[b'tree'].decode("ascii")
ret.update(tree_to_dict(repo, tree_sha, full_path))
2024-07-09 02:44:04 +00:00
ret[full_path] = leaf.sha
return ret
def cmd_status_head_index(repo, index):
print("Changes to be commited:")
head = tree_to_dict(repo, "HEAD")
for entry in index.entries:
if in head:
if head[] != entry.sha:
print(" modified:",
del head[]
print(" added: ",
# Keys still in HEAD are files that we haven't met in the index,
# and thus have been deleted
for entry in head.keys():
print(" deleted: ", entry)
def cmd_status_index_worktree(repo, index):
print("Changes not staged for commit:")
ignore = gitignore_read(repo)
gitdir_prefix = repo.gitdir + "/"
all_files = list()
# We begin by walking the filesystem
for (root, _, files) in os.walk(repo.worktree, True):
if root==repo.gitdir or root.startswith(gitdir_prefix):
for f in files:
full_path = join_path(root, f)
rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, repo.worktree).replace("\\", "/")
# We now traverse the index, and compare real files with the cached
# versions.
for entry in index.entries:
full_path = join_path(repo.worktree,
# That file *name* is in the index
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
print(" deleted: ",
stat = os.stat(full_path)
# Compare metadata
ctime_ns = entry.ctime[0] * 10**9 + entry.ctime[1]
mtime_ns = entry.mtime[0] * 10**9 + entry.mtime[1]
if (stat.st_ctime_ns != ctime_ns) or (stat.st_mtime_ns != mtime_ns):
# If different, deep compare.
# @FIXME This *will* crash on symlinks to dir.
with open(full_path, "rb") as fd:
new_sha = object_hash(fd, b"blob", None)
# If the hashes are the same, the files are actually the same.
same = entry.sha == new_sha
if not same:
print(" modified:",
if in all_files:
print("Untracked files:")
for f in all_files:
# @TODO If a full directory is untracked, we should display
# its name without its contents.
if not check_ignore(ignore, f):
print(" ", f)
2024-07-09 03:50:55 +00:00
def index_write(repo, index):
with open(GitRepository.repo_file(repo, "index"), "wb") as f:
# Header
# Magic bytes which identify the file type.
f.write(index.version.to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write(len(index.entries).to_bytes(4, "big"))
# Entries
idx = 0
for e in index.entries:
f.write(e.ctime[0].to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write(e.ctime[1].to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write(e.mtime[0].to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write(e.mtime[1].to_bytes(4, "big"))
2024-07-09 04:46:06 +00:00
f.write((0).to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write((0).to_bytes(4, "big"))
2024-07-09 03:50:55 +00:00
mode = (e.mode_type << 12) | e.mode_perms
f.write(mode.to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write(e.uid.to_bytes(4, "big"))
2024-07-11 04:41:10 +00:00
f.write(e.gid.to_bytes(4, "big"))
f.write(e.fsize.to_bytes(4, "big"))
2024-07-09 03:50:55 +00:00
# FIXME: Convert back to int.
f.write(int(e.sha, 16).to_bytes(20, "big"))
flag_assume_valid = 0x1 << 15 if e.flag_assume_valid else 0
name_bytes ="utf8")
bytes_len = len(name_bytes)
if bytes_len >= 0xFFF:
name_length = 0xFFF
name_length = bytes_len
f.write((flag_assume_valid | e.flag_stage | name_length).to_bytes(2, "big"))
# Null-terminate the name string
f.write((0).to_bytes(1, "big"))
idx += 62 + len(name_bytes) + 1
# Add padding if necessary
if idx % 8 != 0:
pad = 8 - (idx % 8)
f.write((0).to_bytes(pad, "big"))
idx += pad
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("rm", help="Remove files from the working tree and the index.")
argsp.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="Files to remove")
def cmd_rm(args):
repo = repo_find()
rm(repo, args.path)
def rm(repo, paths, delete=True, skip_missing=False):
index = index_read(repo)
worktree = repo.worktree.replace("\\", "/") + "/"
# Make paths absolute
abspaths = list()
for path in paths:
abspath = os.path.abspath(path).replace("\\", "/")
if abspath.startswith(worktree):
raise Exception(f"Cannot remove paths outside of worktree: {path}")
kept_entries = list()
remove = list()
for e in index.entries:
full_path = join_path(repo.worktree,
if full_path in abspaths:
if len(abspaths) > 0 and not skip_missing:
raise Exception(f"Cannot remove paths not in the index: {abspaths}")
if delete:
for path in remove:
index.entries = kept_entries
index_write(repo, index)
2024-07-09 04:46:18 +00:00
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("add", help="Add files' contents to the index.")
argsp.add_argument("path", nargs="+", help="Files to add")
def cmd_add(args):
repo = repo_find()
add(repo, args.path)
def add(repo, paths, delete=True, skip_missing=False):
rm(repo, paths, delete=False, skip_missing=True)
worktree = repo.worktree + "/"
# Convert the paths to pairs: (absolute, relative_to_worktree).
# Also dlete delete them from the index if they're present.
clean_paths = list()
for path in paths:
abspath = os.path.abspath(path).replace("\\", "/")
if not (abspath.startswith(worktree) and os.path.isfile(abspath)):
raise Exception(f"Not a file, or outside the worktree: {paths}")
relpath = os.path.relpath(abspath, repo.worktree).replace("\\", "/")
clean_paths.append((abspath, relpath))
# Find and read the index. It was modified by rm. (This isn't
# optimal, but good enough)
# FIXME: though: we could just move the index through commands instead
# of reading and writing it over agains
index = index_read(repo)
for (abspath, relpath) in clean_paths:
with open(abspath, "rb") as fd:
sha = object_hash(fd, b"blob", repo)
stat = os.stat(abspath)
ctime_s = int(stat.st_ctime)
ctime_ns = stat.st_ctime_ns % 10**9
mtime_s = int(stat.st_mtime)
mtime_ns = stat.st_mtime_ns % 10**9
entry = GitIndexEntry(ctime=(ctime_s, ctime_ns), mtime=(mtime_s, mtime_ns), ino=stat.st_ino,
mode_type=0b1000, mode_perms=0o644, uid=stat.st_uid, gid=stat.st_gid,
fsize=stat.st_size, sha=sha, flag_assume_valid=False,
flag_stage=False, name=relpath)
index_write(repo, index)
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
argsp = argsubparsers.add_parser("commit", help="Record changes to the repository.")
help="Message to associate with this commit.")
def gitconfig_read():
xdg_config_home = os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] if "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" in os.environ else "~/.config"
config_files = [
os.path.expanduser(join_path(xdg_config_home, "git/config")).replace("\\", "/"),
#os.path.expanduser("~/.gitconfig").replace("\\", "/")
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
return config
def gitconfig_user_get(config):
if "user" in config:
if "name" in config["user"] and "email" in config["user"]:
return f"{config['user']['name']} <{config['user']['email']}>"
return None
def create_commit_map(repo, commit):
commit_map = dict()
create_commit_map_recurse(repo, commit, commit_map, "")
return commit_map
def create_commit_map_recurse(repo, commit, commit_map, path):
"""From a root commit, walk down the tree of subcommits. Returns a dict mapping
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
directory paths to (commit hash, commit objects).
Note: doesn't include root commit."""
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
tree_sha = commit.kvlm[b"tree"].decode('ascii')
obj = object_read(repo, tree_sha)
for item in obj.items:
if len(item.mode) == 5:
type = item.mode[0:1]
type = item.mode[0:2]
match type:
case b'04': raise Exception("Trees should point to subcommits, not other trees")
case b'10': type = "blob"
case b'12': type = "blob" # a symlink
case b'16': type = "commit" # a submodule
case b'sc': type = "subcommit"
case _: raise Exception(f"Weird tree leaf mode {item.mode}")
if type == "subcommit":
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
if path == "":
fullpath = item.path
fullpath = f"{path}/{item.path}"
subcommit = object_read(repo, item.sha)
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
commit_map[fullpath] = (item.sha, subcommit)
create_commit_map_recurse(repo, subcommit, commit_map, fullpath)
def tree_from_index(repo, index, commit_map, author, commit_time, message):
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
contents = dict()
contents[""] = list()
# Convert entries to dictionary where keys are directories, and values are
# lists of directory contents.
for entry in index.entries:
dirname = os.path.dirname("\\", "/")
# We create all dictionary entries up to root (""). We need them *all*
# because even if a directory holds no files it will contain at least
# a tree.
key = dirname
while key != "":
if not key in contents:
contents[key] = list()
key = os.path.dirname(key).replace("\\", "/")
# Sort keys (= directories) by length, descending. This means that we'll
# always encounter a given path before its parent, which is all we need,
# since for each directory D we'll need to modify its parent P to add
# D's tree.
sorted_paths = sorted(contents.keys(), key=len, reverse=True)
sha = None
for path in sorted_paths:
tree = GitTree()
for entry in contents[path]:
# An entry can be a normal GitIndexEntry read from the index, or
# a tree we've created.
if isinstance(entry, GitIndexEntry):
leaf_mode = f"{entry.mode_type:02o}{entry.mode_perms:04o}".encode("ascii")
leaf = GitTreeLeaf(mode=leaf_mode, path=os.path.basename(, sha=entry.sha)
else: # Tree. We've stored it as a pair: (basename, SHA)
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
leaf = GitTreeLeaf(mode=b"sc0000", path=entry[0], sha=entry[1])
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
sha = object_write(tree, repo)
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
if path in commit_map:
(subcommit_hash, subcommit) = commit_map[path]
subcommit = None
if subcommit == None or subcommit.kvlm[b'tree'] != sha.encode('ascii'):
new_subcommit = commit_create(repo,
# Problem, subcommit is not a hash, but we need a hash
new_subcommit = subcommit_hash
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
parent = os.path.dirname(path).replace("\\", "/")
base = os.path.basename(path)
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
contents[parent].append((base, new_subcommit))
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
return sha
def commit_create(repo, tree, parent, author, timestamp, message):
commit = GitCommit()
commit.kvlm[b"tree"] = tree.encode("ascii")
if parent:
commit.kvlm[b'parent'] = parent.encode("ascii")
offset = int(timestamp.astimezone().utcoffset().total_seconds())
hours = offset // 3600
minutes = (offset & 3600) // 60
tz = f"{'+' if offset > 0 else '-'}{hours:02}{minutes:02}"
if author == None:
author = ""
author = author + timestamp.strftime(" %S ") + tz
commit.kvlm[b"author"] = author.encode("utf8")
commit.kvlm[b"committer"] = author.encode("utf8")
commit.kvlm[None] = message.encode("utf8")
return object_write(commit, repo)
def cmd_commit(args):
repo = repo_find()
index = index_read(repo)
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
root_commit_sha = object_find(repo, "HEAD")
root_commit = object_read(repo, root_commit_sha)
commit_time =
author = gitconfig_user_get(gitconfig_read())
commit_map = create_commit_map(repo, root_commit)
tree = tree_from_index(repo,
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
commit = commit_create(repo,
2024-07-13 21:23:07 +00:00
2024-07-12 02:29:44 +00:00
# Update HEAD so our commit is now the tip of the active branch.
active_branch = branch_get_active(repo)
if active_branch: # If on a branch, update that branch
with open(GitRepository.repo_file(repo, join_path("refs/heads", active_branch)), "w") as fd:
fd.write(commit + "\n")
else: # Otherwise, we update HEAD itself.
with open(repo_file(repo, "HEAD"), "w") as fd:
fd.write(commit + "\n")