const FREQUENCY = 440; var DOT_TIME = 300; var DASH_TIME = DOT_TIME * 3; var SYMBOL_BREAK = DOT_TIME; var LETTER_BREAK = DOT_TIME * 3; var WORD_BREAK = DOT_TIME * 7; let note_context; let note_node; let gain_node; let audioContextInitialized = false; async function initializeAudioContext() { note_context = new AudioContext(); await note_context.resume(); note_node = note_context.createOscillator(); gain_node = note_context.createGain(); note_node.frequency.value = FREQUENCY.toFixed(2); gain_node.gain.value = 0; note_node.connect(gain_node); gain_node.connect(note_context.destination); note_node.start(); audioContextInitialized = true; } function startNotePlaying() { // Pass a start time of 0 so it starts ramping up immediately. gain_node.gain.setTargetAtTime(0.1, 0, 0.001) } function stopNotePlaying() { // Pass a start time of 0 so it starts ramping down immediately. gain_node.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, 0, 0.001) } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } // Global strictly increasing play counter to avoid multiple replays at the same time. var playCounter = 0; async function playDash(currentPlayCounter) { if (currentPlayCounter != playCounter) { return; } startNotePlaying(); await sleep(DASH_TIME); stopNotePlaying(); } async function playDot(currentPlayCounter) { if (currentPlayCounter != playCounter) { return; } startNotePlaying(); await sleep(DOT_TIME); stopNotePlaying(); } /** * message is something like '---' */ async function playLetter(letter, currentPlayCounter) { // console.log('playSentence with', playCounter, currentPlayCounter); if (!audioContextInitialized) { initializeAudioContext(); } // console.log('playing', letter); for (let i = 0; i < letter.length; i++) { if (currentPlayCounter != playCounter) { return; } if (letter[i] == '-') { await playDash(currentPlayCounter); } else if (letter[i] == '.') { await playDot(currentPlayCounter); } await sleep(SYMBOL_BREAK); } } // Word is an array of letters, like ['.', '.-', '-'] async function playWord(word, currentPlayCounter) { // console.log('playSentence with', playCounter, currentPlayCounter); for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { if (currentPlayCounter != playCounter) { return; } await playLetter(word[i], currentPlayCounter); await sleep(LETTER_BREAK); } } // Sentence is an array of words. // Ex. "dog is good" -> [['-..', '---', '--.'], ['..', '...'], ['--.', '---', '---', '-..']] async function playSentence(sentence, currentPlayCounter) { // console.log('playSentence with', playCounter, currentPlayCounter); if (currentPlayCounter != playCounter) { return; } // Slight pause before it starts // console.log('playSentence with', playCounter, currentPlayCounter); await sleep(LETTER_BREAK); // console.log('playSentence with', playCounter, currentPlayCounter); for (let i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++) { if (currentPlayCounter != playCounter) { return; } await playWord(sentence[i], currentPlayCounter); await sleep(WORD_BREAK); } } // asciiChar is something like 'd' // Assumes [a-z0-9] function convertAsciiCharToMorse(asciiChar) { return MORSE_MAP[asciiChar]; } // asciiWord is something like 'dog' // Assumes [a-z0-9] function convertAsciiWordToMorse(asciiWord) { return asciiWord.split('').map(convertAsciiCharToMorse); } // asciiSentence is something like 'dog is good' // Assumes words are separated by spaces. function convertAsciiSentenceToMorse(asciiSentence) { let splitSentence = asciiSentence.toUpperCase().split(' '); return; } function getRandomLetter() { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26); return Object.keys(MORSE_MAP)[randomIndex]; } function getRandomWord() { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * EASY_WORDS.length); return EASY_WORDS[randomIndex]; } function getRandomEasyWords() { const totalLength = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 2; let finalSentence = '' for (let i = 0; i < totalLength; i++) { finalSentence += EASY_WORDS[Math.floor(Math.random() * EASY_WORDS.length)]; if (i < totalLength - 1) { finalSentence += ' '; } } return finalSentence; } function getRandomWords() { const totalLength = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 2; let finalSentence = '' for (let i = 0; i < totalLength; i++) { finalSentence += ALL_WORDS[Math.floor(Math.random() * ALL_WORDS.length)]; if (i < totalLength - 1) { finalSentence += ' '; } } return finalSentence; } function updateSpeed() { const useFarnsworth = document.querySelector('input[name="farnsworth"]:checked').value == 'yes'; // Get the difficulty and update the constants. const difficulty = document.querySelector('input[name="speed"]:checked').value if (useFarnsworth) { DOT_TIME = 60; DASH_TIME = DOT_TIME * 3; SYMBOL_BREAK = DOT_TIME; let letterBreakMultiplier; switch (difficulty) { case 'easy': letterBreakMultiplier = 24; break; case 'medium': letterBreakMultiplier = 12; break; case 'hard': letterBreakMultiplier = 6; break; default: letterBreakMultiplier = 3; break; } LETTER_BREAK = DOT_TIME * letterBreakMultiplier; WORD_BREAK = DOT_TIME * (letterBreakMultiplier * 2.5); } else { switch (difficulty) { case 'easy': DOT_TIME = 300; break; case 'medium': DOT_TIME = 200; break; case 'hard': DOT_TIME = 100; break; default: DOT_TIME = 60; break; } DASH_TIME = DOT_TIME * 3; SYMBOL_BREAK = DOT_TIME; LETTER_BREAK = DOT_TIME * 3; WORD_BREAK = DOT_TIME * 7; } } function getTarget() { let target; // Get the difficulty and assign a random target. const difficulty = document.querySelector('input[name="difficulty"]:checked').value switch (difficulty) { case 'easy': target = getRandomLetter(); break; case 'medium': target = getRandomWord(); break; case 'hard': target = getRandomEasyWords(); break; default: target = getRandomWords(); break; } return target; } var startButton = document.getElementById('playGame'); class ListeningGame { constructor(wordInput, statusElement, submitButton, resetButton) { this.stopped = false; this.messageFound = false; // DOM elements we'll interact with this.wordInput = wordInput; this.statusElement = statusElement; this.submitButton = submitButton; this.resetButton = resetButton; // Bind listeners to `this`. this.inputListener = this.inputListener.bind(this); this.submit = this.submit.bind(this); this.resetButtonListener = this.resetButtonListener.bind(this); // Initialize listeners this.wordInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.inputListener); this.submitButton.addEventListener('click', this.submit); this.resetButton.addEventListener('click', this.resetButtonListener); this.wordInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.submitButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.resetButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); = ''; } startNewGame() { // Start listening if (!audioContextInitialized) { initializeAudioContext(); } // Focus on the word input box. this.wordInput.focus(); // Update speed based on difficulty. updateSpeed(); // Get a new target = getTarget(); // console.log('target: ',; // Reset this.messageFound = false; this.wordInput.value = ''; this.statusElement.textContent = 'Waiting...'; this.playTarget(); } submit(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.messageFound) { // If we found it already, get a new target and play it. this.startNewGame(); } else { const enteredWord = this.wordInput.value; // console.log('enteredWord: ', enteredWord, 'target: ',; if (enteredWord.toUpperCase() == { // If they got the word, show message and switch event listener. this.statusElement.textContent = 'Correct! Press enter to play a new round.'; this.messageFound = true; // Extra playCounter increase to stop any current playing. this.stopCurrentPlaying(); } else { // If they didn't, clear the text box and let them try again. this.statusElement.textContent = 'Not quite! Try again.'; this.replay(); } } } stopCurrentPlaying() { // console.log('stopping current playing'); // Also increase playCounter to stop any current playing. Wastes a count, but we have the bits to spare. playCounter += 1; } async replay() { if (this.messageFound) { this.startNewGame(); return; } // Stop the current playing, and play the target again. this.stopCurrentPlaying(); this.wordInput.focus(); this.playTarget(); } resetButtonListener(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.replay(); } inputListener(event) { if (this.messageFound) { this.startNewGame(); return; } if (event.key == 'Control') { this.replay(); } else if (event.key == 'Enter') { this.submit(event); } } playTarget() { playCounter += 1; // console.log('playing with counter', playCounter) playSentence(convertAsciiSentenceToMorse(, playCounter); } stopGame() { this.stopCurrentPlaying(); this.wordInput.value = ''; this.statusElement.textContent = 'Press Start to begin.'; this.wordInput.removeEventListener('keyup', this.inputListener); this.submitButton.removeEventListener('click', this.submit); this.resetButton.removeEventListener('click', this.resetButtonListener); this.wordInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); this.submitButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); this.resetButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } var currentGame; var playListeningGameButton = document.getElementById("playListeningGame"); async function playListeningGame() { // Check if there's a currentGame already. If there is, stop it! if (currentGame) { currentGame.stopGame(); } const wordInput = document.getElementById('wordInput'); const status = document.getElementById('status'); const submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton'); const resetButton = document.getElementById('resetButton'); currentGame = new ListeningGame(wordInput, status, submitButton, resetButton); currentGame.startNewGame(); playListeningGameButton.removeEventListener('click', playListeningGame); playListeningGameButton.addEventListener('click', stopListeningGame); playListeningGameButton.textContent = 'Stop'; } async function stopListeningGame() { if (currentGame) { // Stop current game currentGame.stopGame(); } playListeningGameButton.removeEventListener('click', stopListeningGame); playListeningGameButton.addEventListener('click', playListeningGame); playListeningGameButton.textContent = 'Start'; } playListeningGameButton.addEventListener('click', playListeningGame); class InputGame { constructor(signalButton, startOverButton, targetDisplay, inputDisplay, inputStatus) { this.signalButton = signalButton; this.startOverButton = startOverButton; this.targetDisplay = targetDisplay; this.inputDisplay = inputDisplay; this.inputStatus = inputStatus; = ''; // Stack for keeping track of dots and dashes that make up letter this.dotAndDashStack = []; // Stack for keeping track of letters that make up word this.letterStack = []; this.lastKeyDownTime = 0; this.lastKeyUpTime = 0; this.letterTimeout = null; this.spaceTimeout = null; this.matchFound = false; // Keep track of where the spacebar is to prevent duplicate keydowns when you hold it down. this.spacebarDown = false; // Keep track of if the tap key is down or not to prevent weird state issues when restarting game. // this.keyIsDown = false; this.documentKeydownListener = this.documentKeydownListener.bind(this); this.documentKeyupListener = this.documentKeyupListener.bind(this); this.buttonMousedownListener = this.buttonMousedownListener.bind(this); this.buttonMouseupListener = this.buttonMouseupListener.bind(this); this.startOver = this.startOver.bind(this); this.handleLetterTimeout = this.handleLetterTimeout.bind(this); this.handleSpaceTimeout = this.handleSpaceTimeout.bind(this); document.addEventListener('keydown', this.documentKeydownListener); document.addEventListener('keyup', this.documentKeyupListener); this.signalButton.addEventListener('mousedown', this.buttonMousedownListener); this.signalButton.addEventListener('mouseup', this.buttonMouseupListener); this.signalButton.addEventListener('touchstart', this.buttonMousedownListener); this.signalButton.addEventListener('touchend', this.buttonMouseupListener); this.startOverButton.addEventListener('click', this.startOver); } startNewGame() { this.matchFound = false; this.startOver(); // Update speed based on difficulty. updateSpeed(); // Get target word = getTarget(); // console.log('target: ',; // Update target display with the new target this.targetDisplay.textContent = 'Target: ' +; this.inputDisplay.textContent = ''; this.inputStatus.textContent = ''; this.signalButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.startOverButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); // Focus on the tap button this.signalButton.focus(); // Start listening if (!audioContextInitialized) { initializeAudioContext(); } } keyDown() { if (this.matchFound) { // console.log('match found! doing nothing on keydown') return; } startNotePlaying(); const currentTime =; // Update the marker for the last signal ending this.lastKeyDownTime = currentTime; // Get the total silence time since we last had a signal const silenceDelta = currentTime - this.lastKeyUpTime; this.handleSilence(silenceDelta); // We also want to clear any pending intervals so we don't duplicate them. clearTimeout(this.letterTimeout); clearTimeout(this.spaceTimeout); } keyUp() { if (this.matchFound) { this.startNewGame(); return; } // console.log('keyup!'); stopNotePlaying(); const currentTime =; // Update the marker for the last silence ending this.lastKeyUpTime = currentTime; // Get the total signal time since we last had silence const signalDelta = currentTime - this.lastKeyDownTime; this.handleSignal(signalDelta); // TODO: start timer this.letterTimeout = setTimeout(this.handleLetterTimeout, LETTER_BREAK); this.spaceTimeout = setTimeout(this.handleSpaceTimeout, WORD_BREAK); } handleLetterTimeout() { this.handleSilence(LETTER_BREAK); } handleSpaceTimeout() { this.handleSilence(WORD_BREAK) } handleSignal(signalDelta) { // console.log('signalDelta: ', signalDelta) // See if it's a dot or a dash if (signalDelta < DASH_TIME) { this.dotAndDashStack.push('.'); } else { this.dotAndDashStack.push('-'); } } handleSilence(silenceDelta) { // If there's no input yet, don't do anything if (this.dotAndDashStack.length == 0 && this.letterStack.length == 0) { return; } // console.log('silenceDelta: ', silenceDelta, 'LETTER_BREAK: ', LETTER_BREAK); // If we have at least a letter break, try to add a new character if we have any dots or dashes if (silenceDelta >= LETTER_BREAK && this.dotAndDashStack.length != 0) { // TODO: handle letter being done. const currentLetterCombo = this.dotAndDashStack.join(''); if (currentLetterCombo in REVERSE_MORSE_MAP) { this.letterStack.push(REVERSE_MORSE_MAP[currentLetterCombo]); } else { // Push a question mark this.letterStack.push('?'); } // Clear current stack. this.dotAndDashStack = []; } // If we have more than a word break, we may also want to add a space after doing the above. // We may want to do this without dots and dashes (e.g. the timeout), but only if the last char // isn't a space if (silenceDelta >= WORD_BREAK && this.letterStack.length != 0 && this.letterStack[this.letterStack.length - 1] != ' ') { this.letterStack.push(' '); } // Update the display. this.inputDisplay.textContent = this.letterStack.join(''); this.checkForMatch(); } documentKeydownListener(event) { event.preventDefault(); // console.log('document keydown'); if (event.key == ' ' && !this.spacebarDown) { // console.log('sending keydown'); this.spacebarDown = true; this.keyDown(); } else if (event.key == 'Control') { this.startOver(); } } documentKeyupListener(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.matchFound) { this.spacebarDown = false; this.startNewGame(); return; } // console.log('document keyup'); // console.log(this); if (event.key == ' ') { this.spacebarDown = false; this.keyUp(); } } buttonMousedownListener(event) { event.preventDefault(); // console.log('button mousedown'); // console.log(this); this.keyDown(); } buttonMouseupListener(event) { event.preventDefault(); // console.log('button mouseup'); // console.log(this); this.keyUp(); } startOver(event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } if (this.matchFound) { this.startNewGame(); return; } this.inputDisplay.textContent = ''; this.inputStatus.textContent = ''; this.dotAndDashStack = []; this.letterStack = []; this.lastKeyDownTime = 0; this.lastKeyUpTime = 0; clearTimeout(this.letterTimeout); clearTimeout(this.spaceTimeout); } checkForMatch() { // console.log('checking for match'); // console.log('target: \'' + + '\''); // console.log('this.letterStack.join(\'\'): \'' + this.letterStack.join('') + '\''); // console.log(this.letterStack.join('') ==; if (this.letterStack.join('') == { // console.log('match!'); // Clear intervals clearTimeout(this.letterTimeout); clearTimeout(this.spaceTimeout); // Show message this.inputStatus.textContent = 'You got it! Press any key or click either button to start a new round.'; this.matchFound = true; } } stopGame() { this.startOver(); this.targetDisplay.textContent = 'Press Start to begin.'; this.inputStatus.textContent = ''; document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.documentKeydownListener); document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.documentKeyupListener); this.signalButton.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.buttonMousedownListener); this.signalButton.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.buttonMouseupListener); this.signalButton.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.buttonMousedownListener); this.signalButton.removeEventListener('touchend', this.buttonMouseupListener); this.startOverButton.removeEventListener('click', this.startOver); this.signalButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); this.startOverButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } var playInputGameButton = document.getElementById("playInputGame"); async function playInputGame() { // TODO: check if there's a currentGame already. If there is, stop it! if (currentGame) { currentGame.stopGame(); } const signalButton = document.getElementById('signalButton'); const startOverButton = document.getElementById('startOverButton'); const targetDisplay = document.getElementById('targetDisplay'); const inputDisplay = document.getElementById('inputDisplay'); const inputStatus = document.getElementById('inputStatus'); currentGame = new InputGame(signalButton, startOverButton, targetDisplay, inputDisplay, inputStatus); currentGame.startNewGame(); playInputGameButton.removeEventListener('click', playInputGame); playInputGameButton.addEventListener('click', stopInputGame); playInputGameButton.textContent = 'Stop'; } async function stopInputGame() { if (currentGame) { // Stop current game currentGame.stopGame(); } playInputGameButton.removeEventListener('click', stopInputGame); playInputGameButton.addEventListener('click', playInputGame); playInputGameButton.textContent = 'Start'; } playInputGameButton.addEventListener('click', playInputGame); // For iOS, you need a touch event before you can play audio! var initializeAudioOnTouch = function() { if (!audioContextInitialized) { initializeAudioContext(); } document.removeEventListener('touchend', initializeAudioOnTouch); } document.addEventListener('touchend', initializeAudioOnTouch);