Add docmap struct

We want to have an array of docmaps, one for each file and be able to
iterate through them. That way the layout can be done in a single
This commit is contained in:
Nathan McRae 2023-06-19 22:42:26 -07:00
parent d3e47ee184
commit aade06e600

View File

@ -1,204 +1,270 @@
const std = @import("std");
const c = @cImport({
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
pub fn main() !void {
const window_width = 300;
const window_height = 500;
const column_width = 100;
if (c.SDL_Init(c.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to initialize SDL: %s", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
defer c.SDL_Quit();
const screen = c.SDL_CreateWindow("Document Map Viewer", c.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, c.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, window_width, window_height, c.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL) orelse
c.SDL_Log("Unable to create window: %s", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
defer c.SDL_DestroyWindow(screen);
const renderer = c.SDL_CreateRenderer(screen, -1, 0) orelse {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to create renderer: %s", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
defer c.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
const source_code = @embedFile("GapProbeScan.cs");
const file_name = "GapProbeScan.cs";
const color_result: c_int = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
const ttf_init_result: c_int = c.TTF_Init();
if (ttf_init_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to init TTF: %d", ttf_init_result);
return error.TTFInitializationFailed;
defer c.TTF_Quit();
const text_color: c.SDL_Color = c.SDL_Color {
.r = 0,
.g = 0,
.b = 0,
.a = 255
// TODO: can we embed this file?
const font: ?*c.TTF_Font = c.TTF_OpenFont("FreeSans.ttf", 24);
if (font == null) {
const err = c.TTF_GetError();
c.SDL_Log("Unable to load font: %s", err);
return error.TTFFontLoadFailed;
const surface: [*c]c.SDL_Surface = c.TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, file_name, text_color);
if (surface == null) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to render text");
return error.RenderTextFailed;
defer c.SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
const texture: ?*c.SDL_Texture = c.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
if (texture == null) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to create texture from surface");
return error.CreateTextureFailed;
defer c.SDL_DestroyTexture(texture);
const rect = c.SDL_Rect {
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.w = surface.*.w,
.h = surface.*.h,
// const surface = c.SDL_GetWindowSurface(screen);
var quit = false;
while (!quit) {
var event: c.SDL_Event = undefined;
while (c.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.@"type") {
c.SDL_QUIT => {
quit = true;
else => {},
const initial_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (initial_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", initial_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
var x: c_int = 0;
while (x < window_width) : (x += 1) {
var y: c_int = 0;
while (y < window_height) : (y += 1) {
const draw_result = c.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, x, y);
if (draw_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to draw point: %d", draw_result);
return error.SDLDrawingFailed;
var i: usize = 0;
var column: c_int = 0;
x = 0;
var y: c_int = surface.*.h;
// white: false, black: true
var color: bool = false;
while (i < source_code.len) : (i += 1) {
if (source_code[i] == 10) {
y += 1;
if (y > window_height) {
y = 0;
column += 1;
// std.debug.print("Column: {any}, x: {any}\n", .{column, column*column_width});
x = column * column_width;
if (source_code[i] == 32 and color) {
color = false;
const white_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (white_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", white_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
} else if (source_code[i] != 32 and !color) {
color = true;
const black_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
if (black_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", black_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
if (x < (column + 1) * column_width) {
const draw_result = c.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, x, y);
if (draw_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to draw point: %d", draw_result);
return error.SDLDrawingFailed;
} else {
const red_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
if (red_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", red_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
const draw_result = c.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, (column + 1) * column_width - 1, y);
if (draw_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to draw point: %d", draw_result);
return error.SDLDrawingFailed;
if (!color) {
const white_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (white_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", white_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
} else {
const black_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
if (black_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", black_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
x += 1;
// Display text
if (c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255) != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color");
if (c.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, null, &rect) != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to render copy");
const std = @import("std");
const c = @cImport({
const assert = @import("std").debug.assert;
const DrawnText = struct {
surface: [*c]c.SDL_Surface,
texture: ?*c.SDL_Texture,
rect: c.SDL_Rect,
const FileDocMap = struct {
title_text: DrawnText,
contents: []u8,
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer {
if(gpa.deinit()) {
std.debug.print("Allocator leak\n", .{});
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const window_width = 300;
const window_height = 500;
const column_width = 100;
if (c.SDL_Init(c.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to initialize SDL: %s", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
defer c.SDL_Quit();
const screen = c.SDL_CreateWindow("Document Map Viewer", c.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, c.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, window_width, window_height, c.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL) orelse
c.SDL_Log("Unable to create window: %s", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
defer c.SDL_DestroyWindow(screen);
const renderer = c.SDL_CreateRenderer(screen, -1, 0) orelse {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to create renderer: %s", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
defer c.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
// Turn on anti-aliasing
// :( doesn't seem to work
const aa_result = c.SDL_SetHint(c.SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1");
if (aa_result != c.SDL_TRUE) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set anti-aliasing: %d", c.SDL_GetError());
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
const ttf_init_result: c_int = c.TTF_Init();
if (ttf_init_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to init TTF: %d", ttf_init_result);
return error.TTFInitializationFailed;
defer c.TTF_Quit();
const text_color: c.SDL_Color = c.SDL_Color {
.r = 0,
.g = 0,
.b = 0,
.a = 255
// TODO: can we embed this file?
const font: ?*c.TTF_Font = c.TTF_OpenFont("FreeSans.ttf", 12);
if (font == null) {
const err = c.TTF_GetError();
c.SDL_Log("Unable to load font: %s", err);
return error.TTFFontLoadFailed;
var file_paths = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer file_paths.deinit();
try file_paths.append("GapProbeScan.cs");
try file_paths.append("src/main.zig");
// const file_name = "GapProbeScan.cs";
// const source_code = @embedFile(file_name);
var file_docmaps = std.ArrayList(FileDocMap).init(allocator);
defer file_docmaps.deinit();
for (file_paths.items) |path| {
const surface: [*c]c.SDL_Surface = c.TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, @ptrCast([*c]const u8, path), text_color);
if (surface == null) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to render text");
return error.RenderTextFailed;
const texture: ?*c.SDL_Texture = c.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
if (texture == null) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to create texture from surface");
return error.CreateTextureFailed;
var rect = c.SDL_Rect {
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.w = surface.*.w,
.h = surface.*.h,
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{ });
defer file.close();
const stat = try file.stat();
var buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, stat.size);
const bytes_read = try file.readAll(buffer);
if (bytes_read != stat.size) {
std.debug.print("bytes_read: {any}, stat.size: {any}\n", .{
return error.FileReadError;
var docmap = FileDocMap {
.title_text = DrawnText {
.surface = surface,
.texture = texture,
.rect = rect,
.contents = buffer,
try file_docmaps.append(docmap);
defer {
for (file_docmaps.items) |docmap| {
const color_result: c_int = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
// const surface = c.SDL_GetWindowSurface(screen);
var quit = false;
while (!quit) {
var event: c.SDL_Event = undefined;
while (c.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.@"type") {
c.SDL_QUIT => {
quit = true;
else => {},
const initial_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (initial_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", initial_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
var x: c_int = 0;
while (x < window_width) : (x += 1) {
var y: c_int = 0;
while (y < window_height) : (y += 1) {
const draw_result = c.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, x, y);
if (draw_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to draw point: %d", draw_result);
return error.SDLDrawingFailed;
var i: usize = 0;
var column: c_int = 0;
x = 0;
var y: c_int = file_docmaps.items[0].title_text.rect.h;
// white: false, black: true
var color: bool = false;
while (i < file_docmaps.items[0].contents.len) : (i += 1) {
if (file_docmaps.items[0].contents[i] == 10) {
y += 1;
if (y > window_height) {
y = 0;
column += 1;
// std.debug.print("Column: {any}, x: {any}\n", .{column, column*column_width});
x = column * column_width;
if (file_docmaps.items[0].contents[i] == 32 and color) {
color = false;
const white_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (white_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", white_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
} else if (file_docmaps.items[0].contents[i] != 32 and !color) {
color = true;
const black_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
if (black_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", black_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
if (x < (column + 1) * column_width) {
const draw_result = c.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, x, y);
if (draw_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to draw point: %d", draw_result);
return error.SDLDrawingFailed;
} else {
const red_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
if (red_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", red_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
const draw_result = c.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, (column + 1) * column_width - 1, y);
if (draw_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to draw point: %d", draw_result);
return error.SDLDrawingFailed;
if (!color) {
const white_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
if (white_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", white_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
} else {
const black_color_result = c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
if (black_color_result != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to set draw color: %d", black_color_result);
return error.SDLInitializationFailed;
x += 1;
const text = file_docmaps.items[0].title_text;
// Display text
if (c.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, text.texture, null, &(text.rect)) != 0) {
c.SDL_Log("Unable to render copy");